The Living Organisms — Characteristics and Habitats

1. What is a habitat?
a) A type of plant
b) A kind of animal
c) The natural environment where an organism lives
d) A part of the human body

Answer: c) The natural environment where an organism lives
Explanation: A habitat is the natural environment where an organism lives, which includes both biotic and abiotic factors.

2. How are cactus plants adapted to survive in a desert?
a) Long roots and needle-like leaves
b) Large leaves and thin stems
c) Bright flowers and soft stems
d) Short roots and broad leaves

Answer: a) Long roots and needle-like leaves
Explanation: Cacti have long roots to absorb water deep underground and needle-like leaves to minimize water loss.

3. What are the abiotic factors in a habitat?
a) Animals and plants
b) Water, soil, and air
c) Only living organisms
d) Only sunlight and temperature

Answer: b) Water, soil, and air
Explanation: Abiotic factors in a habitat include non-living components like water, soil, air, light, and temperature.

4. Which of the following is an aquatic habitat?
a) Desert
b) Forest
c) Ocean
d) Mountain

Answer: c) Ocean
Explanation: An ocean is an example of an aquatic habitat, where water is the main environment.

5. What is adaptation in the context of living organisms?
a) Changing color
b) Growth of organisms
c) Specific features that enable survival in a particular habitat
d) Ability to move

Answer: c) Specific features that enable survival in a particular habitat
Explanation: Adaptation refers to the presence of specific features in an organism that enable it to survive and thrive in its particular habitat.

6. Why do camels have long legs?
a) To run faster
b) To keep their bodies away from the hot sand
c) To swim in water
d) To attract mates

Answer: b) To keep their bodies away from the hot sand
Explanation: Camels have long legs to keep their bodies elevated and away from the hot desert sand.

7. Which of these is a characteristic of living things?
a) Ability to use electricity
b) Capacity to grow and reproduce
c) Can be manufactured
d) Do not require food

Answer: b) Capacity to grow and reproduce
Explanation: A fundamental characteristic of living things is their capacity to grow and reproduce.

8. What is the importance of speed for animals in grasslands?
a) To catch prey
b) To escape predators
c) For recreational purposes
d) Both a and b

Answer: d) Both a and b
Explanation: In grasslands, speed is crucial for predators to catch their prey and for prey animals to escape predators.

9. Which of the following is an example of a terrestrial habitat?
a) River
b) Ocean
c) Desert
d) Lake

Answer: c) Desert
Explanation: A desert is an example of a terrestrial habitat, which refers to habitats found on land.

10. How do fish adapt to their aquatic habitat?
a) They develop wings to fly
b) They have gills to breathe underwater
c) They grow long legs
d) They learn to live without water

Answer: b) They have gills to breathe underwater
Explanation: Fish have gills that allow them to extract oxygen from the water, an adaptation essential for aquatic living.

11. What role do roots play in aquatic plants?
a) Absorb nutrients and water from soil
b) Hold the plant in place
c) Capture sunlight for photosynthesis
d) Attract fish and other animals

Answer: b) Hold the plant in place
Explanation: In aquatic plants, roots are primarily for anchorage, holding the plant in place in water.

12. Why do desert animals like rats and snakes live in burrows during the day?
a) To find food
b) To escape the cold
c) To stay away from the intense heat
d) To hide from predators

Answer: c) To stay away from the intense heat
Explanation: Desert animals like rats and snakes live in burrows to escape the intense heat of the desert during the day.

13. What characteristic feature is common to mountain trees like pines and deodars?
a) Bright flowers
b) Cone-shaped with sloping branches
c) Broad leaves
d) Thorns on the stem

Answer: b) Cone-shaped with sloping branches
Explanation: Mountain trees like pines and deodars are typically cone-shaped with sloping branches, which helps rainwater and snow to slide off easily.

14. What is the significance of streamlined body shape in sea animals?
a) It helps in absorbing more sunlight
b) It aids in efficient movement through water
c) It is used for storing food
d) It helps in attracting mates

Answer: b) It aids in efficient movement through water
Explanation: A streamlined body shape is important for sea animals as it reduces water resistance and aids in efficient movement.

15. What does the term ‘acclimatisation’ refer to?
a) Long-term genetic adaptation in organisms
b) Short-term physiological changes in response to environmental changes
c) Movement of animals from one habitat to another
d) Changes in the habitat due to human activities

Answer: b) Short-term physiological changes in response to environmental changes
Explanation: Acclimatisation refers to the short-term physiological changes that occur in an organism to adapt to a new environment, like breathing faster at high altitudes.

16. What is the primary role of leaves in aquatic plants that float on water?
a) To absorb nutrients
b) To attract aquatic animals
c) To provide buoyancy and perform photosynthesis
d) To anchor the plant to the sea bed

Answer: c) To provide buoyancy and perform photosynthesis
Explanation: In aquatic plants that float, leaves are often broad and flat, providing buoyancy and a large surface area for photosynthesis.

17. What is the main function of the waxy layer on the stems of desert plants like cacti?
a) To attract insects for pollination
b) To store food
c) To help in photosynthesis
d) To retain water in the tissues

Answer: d) To retain water in the tissues
Explanation: The thick waxy layer on the stems of desert plants helps to reduce water loss and retain water in the plant tissues.

18. Which animal is known for its adaptation to live in mountainous regions with thick fur on its body, including feet and toes?
a) Camel
b) Dolphin
c) Snow leopard
d) Desert rat

Answer: c) Snow leopard
Explanation: The snow leopard is adapted to live in mountainous regions and has thick fur all over its body, including its feet and toes, to protect against the cold.

19. What is the role of long ears and eyes on the side of the head in deer living in grasslands?
a) For better hearing and all-around vision
b) For regulating body temperature
c) For attracting mates
d) For better sense of smell

Answer: a) For better hearing and all-around vision
Explanation: In deer, long ears help in detecting predators through better hearing, and eyes on the side of the head provide a wider range of vision for spotting dangers.

20. Why do some plants have narrow and thin ribbon-like leaves in aquatic habitats?
a) To float on water
b) To bend easily in flowing water
c) To capture more sunlight
d) To attract fish

Answer: b) To bend easily in flowing water
Explanation: Narrow and thin ribbon-like leaves in aquatic plants allow them to bend in flowing water, reducing the risk of damage.

21. Which of the following animals can live both in water and on land?
a) Camel
b) Fish
c) Frog
d) Snow leopard

Answer: c) Frog
Explanation: Frogs are amphibians that can live both in water and on land. They have adaptations for both environments.

22. What is the common characteristic of the plants and animals living in the same habitat?
a) They are all of the same species
b) They share similar adaptations
c) They eat the same type of food
d) They are of the same size

Answer: b) They share similar adaptations
Explanation: Plants and animals living in the same habitat often share similar adaptations that enable them to survive in that particular environment.

23. How does the coloration of a lion help it in the grasslands?
a) It helps in regulating its body temperature
b) It provides camouflage while hunting
c) It scares away other animals
d) It attracts mates

Answer: b) It provides camouflage while hunting
Explanation: The light brown color of a lion helps it to blend with the dry grasslands, providing camouflage while hunting.

24. Which of these is a response of plants to stimuli?
a) Growing towards light
b) Changing color seasonally
c) Growing from seeds
d) Producing fruits

Answer: a) Growing towards light
Explanation: Plants respond to light stimuli through phototropism, where they grow towards the light source.

25. Which of the following is not a characteristic of living things?
a) Growth
b) Movement
c) Ability to make food
d) Respiration

Answer: c) Ability to make food
Explanation: Making food is a characteristic specific to plants (photosynthesis), not a general characteristic of all living things.

26. What is the primary role of fins in fish?
a) To help in breathing
b) To aid in movement and maintain balance in water
c) To attract mates
d) To store food

Answer: b) To aid in movement and maintain balance in water
Explanation: Fins in fish help them to steer, maintain balance, and propel themselves in water.

27. In which habitat would you find animals with thick skins or fur?
a) Deserts
b) Tropical rainforests
c) Grasslands
d) Mountain regions

Answer: d) Mountain regions
Explanation: Animals in mountain regions often have thick skins or fur to protect themselves from the cold climate.

28. What is the significance of the streamlined body shape in dolphins?
a) It helps in deep diving
b) It reduces resistance for efficient movement in water
c) It assists in food storage
d) It is for aesthetic appeal

Answer: b) It reduces resistance for efficient movement in water
Explanation: Dolphins have streamlined bodies to reduce water resistance, allowing them to swim efficiently.

29. Which of these animals is known for its ability to live in extremely cold and hot conditions due to its special adaptations?
a) Lion
b) Penguin
c) Camel
d) Whale

Answer: c) Camel
Explanation: Camels are known for their ability to survive in extreme hot desert conditions due to their specialized adaptations.

30. What is the primary function of gills in aquatic animals like fish?
a) To help in movement
b) For food digestion
c) To extract oxygen from water
d) To regulate body temperature

Answer: c) To extract oxygen from water
Explanation: Gills in aquatic animals like fish are specialized organs for extracting oxygen from water.

31. Why do desert plants typically have small or no leaves?
a) To protect themselves from animals
b) To reduce water loss through transpiration
c) To capture more sunlight
d) To attract insects

Answer: b) To reduce water loss through transpiration
Explanation: Desert plants have small or no leaves to minimize surface area and reduce water loss through transpiration.

32. What adaptation helps a snow leopard in the Himalayas to walk on snow?
a) Long tail for balance
b) Thick fur on its body
c) Strong hooves for running up rocky slopes
d) Webbed feet for swimming

Answer: b) Thick fur on its body
Explanation: The snow leopard has thick fur, including on its feet, to protect its feet from cold when walking on snow.

33. Which of the following is an example of a response to stimuli in plants?
a) Growing towards sunlight
b) Changing color in different seasons
c) Producing seeds
d) Absorbing nutrients from soil

Answer: a) Growing towards sunlight
Explanation: Growing towards sunlight is a response to light stimuli, known as phototropism, which is a common response in plants.

34. What is the primary function of the long legs and feet of a camel?
a) To store water
b) To keep its body away from the hot desert sand
c) For fast running
d) To dig for water

Answer: b) To keep its body away from the hot desert sand
Explanation: Camels have long legs to keep their bodies elevated above the hot desert sand, helping to regulate body temperature.

35. Why do some animals in the desert come out only at night?
a) To hunt for food
b) To escape the intense daytime heat
c) To avoid predators
d) To find water

Answer: b) To escape the intense daytime heat
Explanation: Many desert animals are nocturnal, coming out at night to avoid the extreme heat of the desert during the day.

36. Which of these animals has adaptations suitable for a grassland habitat?
a) Polar bear
b) Dolphin
c) Lion
d) Penguin

Answer: c) Lion
Explanation: Lions have adaptations such as a light brown coat for camouflage in grasslands, making them efficient predators in this habitat.

37. What enables a frog to live both in water and on land?
a) Gills for breathing in water
b) Webbed feet for swimming
c) Ability to hibernate
d) Both a and b

Answer: d) Both a and b
Explanation: Frogs have adaptations like webbed feet for swimming and can breathe through their skin in water, enabling them to live both in water and on land.

38. Why do aquatic plants have long, hollow, and light stems?
a) To help them float on water
b) To absorb more nutrients
c) To attract aquatic animals
d) To anchor them to the sea bed

Answer: a) To help them float on water
Explanation: Aquatic plants often have long, hollow, and light stems to help them float and reach the water’s surface for sunlight.

39. Which of the following is a characteristic of organisms living in aquatic habitats?
a) Fur for warmth
b) Gills or other mechanisms to use dissolved oxygen
c) Long legs for walking on sand
d) Wings for flying

Answer: b) Gills or other mechanisms to use dissolved oxygen
Explanation: Aquatic organisms have adaptations like gills to use oxygen dissolved in water, which is essential for their survival in aquatic environments.

40. In which habitat are plants likely to have thick waxy leaves?
a) Deserts
b) Grasslands
c) Forests
d) Mountains

Answer: a) Deserts
Explanation: Desert plants often have thick waxy leaves to minimize water loss and withstand the arid conditions.

41. What adaptation do desert animals like rats use to avoid the daytime heat?
a) They migrate to cooler areas
b) They burrow underground
c) They grow thicker fur
d) They become nocturnal

Answer: b) They burrow underground
Explanation: Desert animals like rats avoid the daytime heat by burrowing underground where it’s cooler.

42. Why are the leaves of some mountain plants needle-like?
a) To capture more sunlight
b) To reduce water loss through transpiration
c) To allow snow and rain to slide off easily
d) To attract insects for pollination

Answer: c) To allow snow and rain to slide off easily
Explanation: Needle-like leaves in mountain plants help in preventing the accumulation of snow and rainwater, ensuring the leaves are not damaged or weighed down.

43. Which characteristic helps aquatic animals like dolphins to breathe air?
a) Fins
b) Blowholes on the upper parts of their heads
c) Gills
d) Webbed feet

Answer: b) Blowholes on the upper parts of their heads
Explanation: Dolphins and some other sea animals have blowholes on the upper parts of their heads, allowing them to breathe air while swimming near the water’s surface.

44. What is the primary function of the wide, flat leaves of some aquatic plants?
a) To float on the surface of water
b) To absorb more nutrients
c) To store food
d) To attract fish

Answer: a) To float on the surface of water
Explanation: Wide, flat leaves in some aquatic plants allow them to float on the surface of water and access sunlight for photosynthesis.

45. How do the features of a camel help it to survive in the desert?
a) Long legs, humps to store fat, and ability to go without water
b) Ability to swim
c) Bright fur to reflect sunlight
d) Thin skin to lose heat

Answer: a) Long legs, humps to store fat, and ability to go without water
Explanation: Camels are adapted to desert life with long legs to keep them off the hot sand, humps for storing fat, and the ability to survive without water for extended periods.

46. In what way are the fins and tails of fish important for their survival in water?
a) For storing food
b) For changing directions and maintaining balance
c) For attracting mates
d) For breathing

Answer: b) For changing directions and maintaining balance
Explanation: The fins and tails of fish are crucial for maneuvering in water, helping them change directions and maintain balance.

47. What type of habitat would you associate with organisms that have adaptations for very cold and very hot temperatures?
a) Tropical rainforests
b) Grasslands
c) Deserts and polar regions
d) Freshwater habitats

Answer: c) Deserts and polar regions
Explanation: Organisms with adaptations for extreme temperatures are typically found in deserts (very hot) and polar regions (very cold).

48. What is the role of thick fur in animals like yaks living in mountain regions?
a) To store food
b) To help in climbing
c) To protect against cold
d) To attract mates

Answer: c) To protect against cold
Explanation: Animals like yaks have thick fur to protect themselves against the cold temperatures prevalent in mountain regions.

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