
In-text Questions and Answers State the universal law of gravitation. Answer: The universal law of gravitation states that every object in the universe attracts every other object with a force that is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. Write the formula to … Read more


In-Text Questions Answers 1. What is a tissue? A tissue is a group of similar cells that work together to perform a specific function in an organism. This organization allows the cells to be more efficient in carrying out tasks like movement, support, or transporting nutrients. 2. What is the utility of tissues in multi-cellular … Read more


1. Which of the following are matter? Answer: Chair, air, almonds, lemon water, smell of perfume are matter because they have mass and occupy space. Love, smell, hate, thought, cold are not considered matter because they do not have mass or occupy space. 2. Give reasons for the following observation: The smell of hot sizzling … Read more


1) What is meant by a substance? Answer: A substance is a form of matter that has a uniform and definite composition. It can be either an element or a compound, where all the constituent particles have the same chemical nature. 2) List the points of differences between homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures. • Homogeneous Mixtures: … Read more

Chapter 8 – Force and Laws of Motion

Activity 8.1: Understanding Inertia Objective: To demonstrate the concept of inertia and how it affects the motion of objects. Materials Needed: Carom coins, striker, table. Procedure: 1. Make a pile of similar carom coins on a table. 2. Attempt a sharp horizontal hit at the bottom of the pile using another carom coin or the … Read more

Improvement in food resources

NCERT Solutions In-Text Questions Answers: Q1. What do we get from cereals, pulses, fruits, and vegetables? Ans: Cereals primarily provide carbohydrates, which are essential for energy. Pulses are rich in proteins, crucial for growth and body repair. Fruits and vegetables are key sources of vitamins, minerals, and fibers, all necessary for maintaining overall health and … Read more

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