The French Revolution

1. Describe the circumstances leading to the outbreak of revolutionary protest in France. Answer:The French Revolution started because the common people were heavily taxed while the clergy and nobility enjoyed privileges. France’s debt from wars and the monarchy’s lavish spending worsened the economy, causing food shortages and high bread prices. The spread of ideas about … Read more

Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution

List two differences between the capitalist and socialist ideas of private property. Capitalist Idea: Private property is owned by individuals or businesses who are concerned with personal gain. They control the means of production, and profits are kept by the owners. Socialist Idea: Private property is controlled by society as a whole, meaning that the … Read more

Nazism and the Rise of Hitler

NCERT Solutions: 1. Describe the problems faced by the Weimar Republic. Answer: The Weimar Republic faced several problems: Political Instability: It was often seen as weak because of the frequent changes in government and the inability to form stable coalitions. Treaty of Versailles: The harsh terms of the treaty, which included massive reparations, loss of … Read more

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