
Q1. What is the primary characteristic of the rivers originating in the Himalayas? a) They are seasonal b) They have short courses c) They are perennial d) They originate from the Eastern Ghats Answer: c) They are perennial Explanation: Rivers originating in the Himalayas, such as the Indus, Ganga, and Brahmaputra, are perennial, meaning they … Read more

Nazism and the Rise of Hitler

Q1. What event marked the beginning of World War II? a) The invasion of Poland by Germany b) The bombing of Pearl Harbor c) The Battle of Stalingrad d) The signing of the Treaty of Versailles Answer: a) The invasion of Poland by Germany Explanation: World War II began with Germany’s invasion of Poland on … Read more

Work and Energy

Question 1 What is the scientific definition of work? a) Any physical or mental activity b) Force applied with no displacement c) Force causing displacement in the direction of the force d) Movement of an object in any direction Answer: c) Force causing displacement in the direction of the force Explanation: In science, work is … Read more


1) What is the main characteristic of India’s climate? a) Desert climate b) Equatorial climate c) Monsoon climate d) Mediterranean climate Answer: c) Monsoon climate Explanation: India’s climate is primarily described as a monsoon type, characterized by seasonal reversal in wind direction. 2) Which region in India experiences the highest diurnal range of temperature? a) … Read more


Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) 1) If the mass of Earth suddenly doubled, what would happen to the force of gravity between Earth and an object on its surface? (a) It would double (b) It would quadruple (c) It would halve (d) It would remain the same Soln: Answer is (a) It would double Explanation: The … Read more

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