What is Democracy ? Why Democracy ?

Q1. What is the origin of the word ‘democracy’? a) Latin ‘demos’ meaning ‘state’ and ‘kratos’ meaning ‘power’ b) Greek ‘demos’ meaning ‘people’ and ‘kratia’ meaning ‘power’ c) French ‘democratie’ meaning ‘people’s rule’ d) English ‘demo’ meaning ‘simple’ and ‘cracy’ meaning ‘government’ Answer: b) Greek ‘demos’ meaning ‘people’ and ‘kratia’ meaning ‘power’ Explanation: The word … Read more

Electoral Politics

Q1. Why are elections necessary in a democracy? a) To appoint the heads of government departments b) To allow citizens to govern directly c) To choose representatives who make decisions on behalf of the people d) To fulfill international obligations Answer: c) To choose representatives who make decisions on behalf of the people Explanation: In … Read more

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