Neem Baba

1. A tree is useful to us in many ways. Mention some of these uses. Write them in the picture given below.


  • Some parts of trees are used in preparing medicines.
  • Trees provide shade.
  • Trees give us fruits and vegetables.
  • Wood from trees is used to make furniture.
  • Trees clean the air by absorbing carbon dioxide.
  • Leaves and branches are used as food for animals.

2. Neem is a common tree in our country. Discuss in groups of four and fill Columns A and B with what you know about the neem tree and what you want to know.


Column A: What do you know?

  • Neem tree is found in India.
  • Neem leaves are used in medicines.
  • Neem oil is used in soaps and toothpaste.
  • Neem wood is strong and durable.

Column B: What do you want to know?

  • How old can neem trees grow?
  • Where else is neem found apart from India?
  • What are the other benefits of neem?
  • Who gave neem its name?

Let us discuss

1. How is neem useful to farmers?

Neem is useful to farmers because the powder made from neem seeds can be mixed in water and sprayed on crops. It protects the crops from locusts, termites, and other harmful insects. It also helps to stop the breeding of mosquitoes in rice fields.

2. Mention some of the uses of the neem tree.


  • Neem leaves, bark, and roots are used to make medicines.
  • Neem oil is used to make soap and toothpaste.
  • Neem wood is used for making furniture as it is not eaten by termites.
  • Neem leaves are used to protect stored grains from insects.

Let us think and reflect

1. You just read about the Neem tree. Write any two facts that surprised you the most.


  • Neem can stop mosquitoes from breeding in stagnant water.
  • Neem wood is not eaten by termites, making it excellent for furniture.

2. Complete the following sentences.

(a) The old man asked Amber to call him Neem Baba because __________.

He is an old tree and has been around for a long time.

(b) Neem seed powder protects crops from __________.

Locusts and termites.

(c) __________ is a cost-effective method to stop mosquitoes from breeding in stagnant water.

Mixing neem seed powder in water.

(d) One reason why doctors advise us to use neem leaves for someone suffering from measles is __________.

Neem leaves destroy germs and give comfort.

3. Why can Neem Baba not remember the year when he was born?

Neem Baba cannot remember the year when he was born because he is very old and was born millions of years ago.

4. Which parts of the neem tree are used to make medicines?

Neem leaves, bark, flowers, fruits, and roots are used to make medicines.

Let us learn

1. Study these words from the text. Put the compound words in their categories.


Open compound words:

  • Something
  • Neem oil
  • Cleanliness-parting

Closed compound words:

  • Well known
  • Grandmother
  • Childhood
  • Seed powder

Hyphenated compound words:

  • Well-trained
  • Thought-provoking

2. Words that tell us what a person is doing are called verbs. In the table given below, match the verbs in the first column showing action in the present to verbs in the second column showing action in the past. Fill the answer in the “Answer” column. Make a sentence with any one form of the verb. One has been done for you.

Present Past Answer Sentence
1. become a. made 1. d. I want to become a teacher when I grow up.
2. find b. gave 2. e. I found a book in the library yesterday.
3. make c. told 3. a. She made a cake for the party.
4. discover d. became 4. f. The scientist discovered a new plant species.
5. tell e. found 5. c. He told me an interesting story.
6. give f. discovered 6. b. She gave me a gift on my birthday.

Let us write

You have read about Neem Baba and learnt many things about the neem tree. Look at the trees in your neighbourhood and write a paragraph about any one tree that you like.

The Mango Tree

There is a tall mango tree in the park near my house. It has a thick, brown trunk and wide, green leaves that provide a lot of shade. During summer, it bears sweet, juicy mangoes. I like this tree because it gives us fruits and shade. Many birds also make their nests in its branches. This tree makes the park beautiful and provides a cool place to rest on hot days.

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